Aura Scan is a type of technology used to measure the electromagnetic field radiating from a person’s body. It is used to assess the body’s energy balance, identify imbalances and make recommendations for Self Healing. It is based on the idea that the human body has its own energy field, called the aura, and that energy imbalances can lead to health, relationships, or money issues.
You can book an One-2-One session with our coaches within a week time for counselling. This can be your follow-up session to get answers to your questions about your report and Aura.
Hi, I am Rohit Shah, a Holistic Wellness Consultant & Coach with over 15 years of experience in the Health & Wellness Industry. As the Founder of Wellbeing Secret, I am dedicated to helping individuals achieve optimal health and wellbeing. I am specialized in Quantum Energy Alignment & Balancing to provide effective solutions for Pain, Fibromyalgia, Skeletal Pain, Migraine, Depression, Anxiety, and related Sleep disorders. I utilize cutting-edge Internationally Certified BioResonance & Microcurrent Devices from Germany to deliver exceptional results to my clients. Additionally, I am a certified NutriGenomics Wellness Consultant with in-depth knowledge of the P4 Model of personalized predictive health care.
If you are facing all the above-mentioned or any other challenges, the Aura Photography Scan will help you to get a lot more Clarity. You simply need to take an action and be open for Abundance!
No. This is an online session conducted via Zoom / Google meeting.
Aura Scan is based on Quantum Information filed at the Auric level via a Quantum analyzer. You have to sit at quite place for 15min with undivided attention. You get the accurate and quantitative report in PDF format for review.